European Funds


implements the project titled:
“ARIADNE – component of a new generation loyalty management platform”.

Under the Intelligent Development Operational Programme 2014-2020, Sub-measure 1.1.1

The aim of the project is to conduct industrial research (Stage 1 and 2) and development (Stage 3) necessary to devise a prototype module/engine ARIADNE, which will be embedded in the Loyalty Drive Enterprise (LDE) system. The Ariadne module will use artificial intelligence mechanisms. The features of Ariadne will be unique on a global scale. Existing systems for loyalty programs do not have features/properties relevant to Ariadne.

The result of the project will be the development of a prototype module/engine of ARIADNE – a component of the loyalty management information system, which will enable the realization of the user’s business goal of hypertargeting a loyalty action or a product offer.

Project value: 2 533 850.00 PLN
Contribution from European Funds: 1 671 518.75 PLN

Project implemented in the period 2022.03.01-2023.11.30
More information on the implemented project can be obtained from:
Przemysław Orłowski, e-mail:

LOYALTY POINT is implementing a project with Contribution from European Funds. Learn more